Making Your Home a Place You Want to Be

Your Home Should be a Place You Want to Be

Your home should be a place you want to be. Creating a home where you find refuge is important. In this fast-paced life that society has created, we are told what we need to have, we get burnt out, stressed, and overwhelmed. We are convinced we need a vacation to relax and enjoy our families. This is where we are told we will get “memories that last a lifetime.” But what if your home, your land, was that place?

Hagan Homestead Kitchen

We strive to make our little bit of earth a place we WANT to be. This is where we relax, this is where we enjoy time with our family, this is where we make memories that last a lifetime. Now don’t get me wrong, vacations are important and do provide memories and experiences. We recently took the boys on a family vacation to Gulf Shores. Seeing their faces as they played on the beach was heartwarming. They had so much fun! At the same time, it is important to have these types of memories in your own surroundings. You want them to enjoy and remember fun times at home, or at least this is how we feel. We want our boys to feel refuge in our home, making it their safe place, a place they WANT to be.

Hagan Homestead Vacation

Making Your Home a Place Where You Find Joy

Our home is what Justin has called “Our Happy Place.” This is where we enjoy our time with each other. We do not feel like we need a vacation from life. Coming home at the end of the day gives a sense of comfort. There really is no place like home!

Hagan Homestead dehydrating at home

One of the ways I personally find joy in our home is decorating it. This is something I probably got from my mother and grandmother. They both have a great eye for creating a warm and inviting home. Now I try NOT to find joy in “things”, but I do enjoy being in a beautiful space. It provides so much inspiration for me. It becomes a place I want to be.

For our boys, we try and incorporate things they enjoy doing. This is important because we truly want them home. Justin is steadily working on a mini ramp for the boys to skateboard. He has also built a slap stick for them to enjoy. In the past, we have had dirt bike jumps, targets for their BB guns, building projects, etc.

Hagan Homestead memories at home

I also find joy in the kitchen. This is where I create wonderful, nutritious meals. I can be creative and try new things. It brings joy to my soul to watch our boys enjoy something that I have made just for them. When they help in cultivating these meals, it in turn gives them memories of helping me in the kitchen. Something they will remember for a lifetime, and myself as well.

hagan homestead cooking at home

Just like making things the boys enjoy, we also try and incorporate spaces that we can enjoy as a family. This is where the garden comes in. Over the years our garden has grown, punt intended. We have expanded now to three garden spaces. Each of which, the boys have helped in the process. Some enjoy it more than others of course. But again, this instills memories for them. We want them to remember doing productive things with us, not scrolling on our phones.

gardening at home

Enjoying Your Home

In today’s society, we are so busy. We work, shuffle kids to school, shuttle them to sports games, do homework, get ready for bed, and then repeat. But how much time are you spending in your home or with your family? This realization has stuck with me and has hit me hard. We work so hard, but when do we have time to enjoy it?

memories at home with the hagan homestead

We have been molded to think we need the biggest house, the best house, the best car, this list goes on. When do we have time to sit and enjoy it? We are so busy trying to afford these things, that we do not have the time to enjoy them or life for that matter.

Contentment is something we should all strive for. Do you really need the biggest house on the block or the nicest car in the driveway? Why are we told this should make us happy? That is a topic for another blog. Be content with what you have. Justin and I long for more land to raise even more food and give our boys more things to do and explore. Right now, that is just not in the cards. We have learned to enjoy where we are. We have steadily made this house our own and have raised our boys here for eight years. Truth be told it would be hard, for me especially, to leave this house we have made a home.

house to a home

I hope you find joy and contentment in your life. Bask in the slower life and thoroughly appreciate your blessings. Home is where your memories are made, make them wonderful!

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