Souper Cubes

Can I just give a shout out to this company! Souper Cubes are amazing. They are great for freezer leftovers and have perfect portions. There are several different options you can choose from on their website Kitchen and Freezer Storage Solutions – Souper Cubes®

Once your contents are frozen you can pop them out and put them in a large freezer safe bag or container. They are also great to freeze your bone broth in pre portioned sizes. I personally use these a lot for freezing my homemade pesto. That way I have it all measured out for the size of our family for any given dish.

The navy-blue Souper Cubes pictured below is my favorite size for bone broth.

souper cubes for food preservation

For other food preservation methods, try this!

Presto Pressure Canner – Our Most Used Kitchen Appliance